
Recent technological advancements have spawned new devices and industries. Smart watches, smart glasses, drones, self-driving cars, and artificial intelligence (AI) are among the most prevalent. Some of these developments, i.e. drones and virtual money, make it more difficult to see the future 10 years from now. What we do see, however, is that the practical use of complex technologies requiring decades of research, like nuclear fusion and quantum computers, won't happen until the late 21st century. Metropolice's mission, through various innovative business activities, is to realize the commercialization of these "next-generation" technologies, as well as those cutting-edge technologies - smart watches, drones, AI - already on the market.

Due to the limits of microminiaturization technology, the developmental limits of semiconductor-based computers must soon be addressed. Another big issue is how to suppress heat and power consumption, which are proportionate to performance improvement. Using conventional methods is not considered ideal for future computer advancement, and thus increased focus has been placed on quantum computing, which is light years ahead of semiconductor technology.

A conventional computer is based on binary digits (bits) consisting of 0 or 1. A quantum computer could process "0 and 1" and "1 and 0" in superposition of states, enabling it to make incredibly fast calculations.

Different from "bits", each of which is always in one of two definite states (0 or 1), "superposition" is a quantum mechanical phenomenon where two states are maintained simultaneously. Metropolice will pursue the application and commercialization of quantum annealing by studying the Simulated Annealing algorithm.